Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Three by Desmond

These so utterly represent the way he thinks!

I give great thanks to God that he has created a Dalai Lama. Do you really think, as some have argued, that God will be saying: 'You know, that guy, the Dalai Lama, is not bad. What a pity he's not a Christian'? I don't think that is the case - because, you see, God is not a Christian.
We may be surprised at the people we find in heaven. God has a soft spot for sinners. His standards are quite low.
So people actually, if they want to know, "What is God like?" they would have to look at you and me and see us as being compassionate, because God is compassionate, as being loving, because God is loving.

-- Archbishop Desmond Tutu


  1. I don't think I have ever mentioned this to you before, Ellie...but for the "what it's worth department":

    I have several blog link/sights saved in my favorites files....maybe 50 to 75 (give or take a few). But, when I only have a moment, and can't even consider checking in on more than just a small handful, yours is always the first one I go to....
    I was reminded by today's post, why this is so.

    Thankyou for sharing, and God bless you, dear one.

  2. Kristin, your comment truly brought tears to my eyes. Thank you. Thank you more than I can say.

    Many, many blessings ----

  3. The Dalai Lama is more of a Christian, by his gentleness, than most so-called Christians.


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