Saturday, December 6, 2008

Saint Nicholas of Myra

Sounds as if St. Nicholas was an early liberation theologian!
As a bishop, Nicholas, servant of God, was first and foremost a shepherd of the people, caring for their needs. His active pursuit of justice for his people was demonstrated when he secured grain in time of famine, saved the lives of three men wrongly condemned, and secured lower taxes for Myra. He taught the Gospel simply, so ordinary people understood, and he lived out his faith and devotion to God in helping the poor and all in need.
This is from an essay found right here.

(I know the image above is not historical but I liked it anyway!)

1 comment:

  1. the image is just darling! reminds me of my childhood - i'm such a child of the 50's!

    i went to that same web site for my picture of St. Nick today. I liked that he was holding an Advent wreath... what a wonderful variety of goodies that site offers!


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